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All About FET, How to Survive & 5 Tips for Success

August 20, 2018 3 Comments

All About FET, How to Survive & 5 Tips for Success

August 20, 2018 3 Comments

As a seasoned veteran when it comes to IVF & FETs, I thought I would share some tidbits of info regarding the FET process. If you’re wanting to know what an FET is, what to expect & some tips I have for being successful, keep reading!

What is a FET?

First things first, a FET (frozen embryo transfer) cycle is different than an IVF cycle. IVF refers to the entire process, including stimulation/egg retrieval and (typically) a fresh transfer. With a fresh transfer, the embryos are transferred back into the uterus as soon as fertilization occurs. There are a lot of clinics that are moving to only doing frozen cycles as they are showing to have greater success. Embryos can be allowed to grow for 3 or 5 days before cryopreservation (freezing) occurs. The reason behind doing this is that you’re transferring over embryos that are strong enough to have made it to day 3 or 5 and survived the freeze/thaw process. All of my transfers have been FET cycles with 5 day blastocysts. We initially did an IVF cycle, then waited for genetic testing before going into our first FET cycle.

  1. Timing is everything
    The entire FET process is unpredictable. Everything has to be in as optimal of a state as possible before the cycle can begin. Then, after beginning the cycle and starting the medications to thicken & grow your uterine lining, the transfer can be cancelled (or rescheduled) at any time. Prep time varies from person to person, for me it’s typically ~18 days from starting meds to the ET (embryo transfer). 

  2. The “control” is a facade
    Though it’s easy to think that there is more control over conception via IVF, that’s completely false. You can do everything “right” and still have trouble developing the appropriate lining. Lining can even be “perfect”, and the transfer can still fail. Every transfer comes with a chance of a live birth, there are no guarantees! This just shows me that even with science, God is still the only one truly in control.

  3. Injections, injections, injections 
    If you have a fear of needles, it’s time to get over it. About 5 days before the ET, the Progesterone in Oil shots begin. Since the medication is an oil, the injection process is slow and very uncomfortable. For me, these are done once a day, but this will depend on the dose your fertility specialist prescribes. In addition to PiO shots, I also do twice daily Heparin shots, starting the day of the transfer, to prevent blood clots/miscarriage. You really do get used to the injections, but they are always unpleasant and uncomfortable. 

  4. Discomfort
    Though not as uncomfortable (re: painful) as the egg retrieval process, FET prep isn’t the most pleasant experience. Side effects from the medications (estrogen & progesterone) vary from person to person, but they are generally amped up period symptoms. Also, you’re putting tons of hormones into your body, which completely messes with your emotions. That part isn’t pleasant either.

I don’t mean to make this all sound negative, but it really isn’t a fun process. It’s a miracle and I’m so thankful that IVF exists. Without it, I wouldn’t have my son. Of course, all of this is completely worth it when you get to meet your baby (or babies) for the first time. I would endure any number of shots, medications, procedures, etc. to get a baby here safely. I just want to give anyone on the verge of going through this process, or anyone curious, the honest truth — IVF is hard

To end this on a positive note, here are a few tips I have for success & getting through the process without losing your mind.

  1. Try to stay positive
    Your mental and emotional state is so important. Perhaps the MOST important. Focus on the positive. View every injection, ultrasound, discomfort as getting you one step closer to having your baby here.

  2. Laugh & have fun!
    Don’t take it so seriously. Yes, it’s stressful, but try to enjoy the ride. Laugh when you can. This is especially important after the transfer, as there is evidence that laughing can help with implantation. 

  3. Take care of yourself
    It’s extremely annoying when people tell you not to stress when you’re already stressed. I get it. I’ll say it again: IVF IS STRESSFUL. Now that we know that, figure out a way to calm yourself down as much as possible. Read, watch tv, start a fun project that will take your mind off of everything. Whatever works (and is safe)! Take care of you, be kind to yourself, and stop focusing on the fact that you’re so stressed. (I’m saying this to myself 1,000 times every single day.) 

  4. Pomegranate juice for lining
    There are a lot of theories, and studies, out there that say pomegranate juice helps thicken your uterine lining. A thick, triple layered uterine lining is what you’re aiming for as you prep for the embryo transfer. Does this work? Who knows, but it’s worth a shot. I’ve done this the past 2 FET cycles and the first time I did, my lining was at the ideal thickness on the day of the transfer. The second time was with my canceled cycle, so I can’t vouch for how it worked then. I will be trying again as soon as we start prepping again! 

    Tip: Get the Organic 100% Pomegranate Juice from Trader Joe’s and add sparkling water! It’s a refreshing treat, a little tart, but overall very tasty. 

  5. Acupuncture treatments before, during & after
    I’ve already gone into how I feel about acupuncture in my previous post, so I’ll keep it brief here. There are a ton of studies that show how helpful acupuncture is alongside a FET. I haven’t had experience with this yet, but I can definitely feel the positive benefits of acupuncture already, so I am interested to see how it will go during my upcoming cycle. 

Hope this helps someone, in some way! Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below. As always, please like, comment & share this post! 


  • Cheryl August 20, 2018 at 6:55 pm

    Very good information for someone out there that is just starting this journey! Thank you for sharing!

  • Krystal August 20, 2018 at 7:39 pm

    This is such great information for someone that is starting this journey and for people that don’t really understand the process. I love how you broke it down.

  • Judy August 20, 2018 at 7:56 pm

    Mercy anyone that thinks IVF is easy does not know anything!!!! The struggle you and Kevin go trough would break a weaker couple ! God put you two together for a reason ! You may be a tiny package 📦 but you have the heart of a Mama Bear . Take care ( so easy for me to say)and know you are loved. Also acupuncture does wonders for so many things ! I done it and I love it ‘ I do not know if it hurts in the form you are doing it , but it’s great on TMJ and when your shoulders are rock hard from stress . Loving you tons. Judy

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    Hi there!

    I'm Michelle. A twenty-something (almost thirty!) SAHM to my #ivfbaby (now a full-blown toddler). Married to my soulmate. Living in the 'burbs with the husband, toddler + 3 furbabies. Expecting #ivfbaby number 2 in June 2019. I love Jesus, all things tech, oversharing & helping others navigate life's ups and downs. Fluent in sarcasm + sass. Read More

    Love, Michelle

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